Easthampton Economic Development & Industrial Commission
EDIC is a group of Easthampton residents and business owners focused on the economic sustainability of the city. We can be helpful in the following ways:
If a prospective or existing business has hit a roadblock with regulations, zoning, or anything else, please come talk to EDIC – we can act as stewards. We may know of a workaround, know whom to talk to, or work towards making changes to solve the roadblock.
If there is an idea that helps the economic health of the City, but City regulations stand in the way, come to public speak at EDIC meetings or write to the chair to appear on an agenda. If the regulations can be changed, we may be able to help.
When there are projects that are of economic benefit to the City, come to public speak at EDIC meetings or write to the chair to appear on an agenda and we can endeavor to lift up those benefits at other public meetings.
Services Provided
Economic and Site Development
- Economic Development
- Site Location Assistance
Networking and Associations
- Geographically Based
- Small Business/General
Public Policy and Government Relations
- City Business Issues
Regulatory Compliance
- Bonding
- Codes
- Government Requirements
Starting a Business
- Registration, Licenses and Permits
Events and Community Building
- Clean Up Days/Environmental Events
- Community Outreach
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